
Cinnamon Apple Pear Dessert

Cinnamon Apple Pear Dessert

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1 sweet ripe Bartlett pear, cored and sliced
1 small ripe Gala apple, cored and sliced
1/4 Tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp Sucanat sugar (Sugar Cane Natural)
2 Tbsp Rolled Oats

Arrange pear, apple slices, cinnamon, and Sucanat  in a small sauce pan with 1/2 cup water.  Boil the fruit mixture on low for about 10 minutes until soft.  Sprinkle with Sucanat, cinnamon, and top with oats.   Cool slightly and top with nonfat vanilla yogurt.

Note: Can substitute Sucanat with Stevia, non caloric sweetener, natural

Serves 2

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